Friday 4 November 2016

Greetings to Welsh Socialist Republican Congress from Flemish Socialist Movement

Dear comrades,

I am a member of the Flemish Socialist Movement (V-SB, ; or in English:, a small radical left organisation striving for Flemish independence. 

I was very happy to follow the WSRC from at a distance and was very sorry not to be able to attend and meet you all.

Know that we support you and that we are very glad to learn of the activities of a socialist republican movement in Wales, a country we love and where some of us (including myself) have been a few times, a place we hope to be able to return to soon.

Should you like to learn more of us or to get in touch with us, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. I believe we have a common goal. 

We'd love to support you on the way to an independent and socialist Wales, if you'd like our support.

In solidarity,


The Flemish-Socialist Movement (V-SB) was founded by people who believe the Flemish political landscape should become more leftist and more Flemish. For the V-SB, leftist and Flemish demands are inseparable. That was the case one hundred years ago, when the Flemish fought for their social and cultural rights, and still is today, allbeit in a different context. The V-SB aims towards the creation of a socialist society with equal opportunities, rights and duties for all of its inhabitants in an independent Flanders, away from any antidemocratic and capitalist supranational structures, but in cooperation and solidarity with other freedom loving nations and states.

Being a socialist organisation, the V-SB believes the existing capitalist order only serves the interests of a small upper class and in no way those of the working class, for which it means nothing more than a continuous threat of living conditions. For the problems arising on social as well as ecological level, the V-SB considers the only solution to be replacing the existing order by a society in which solidarity and the democratic decision right about society and economics form the basic principles and in which the sovereignty is reinstalled and reinforced.

The V-SB considers Belgium as a construction only serving Belgian and global high finance, and limiting sovereignty and self development of those on its territory. Furthermore the V-SB believes the transition to a socialist structure can only happen with eye for the national context. Therefore the V-SB aims towards the creation of a new, socialist state, covering the territory of what`s currently known as the Flemish Region, including the Brussels-Capital Region.

In the light of above mentioned belief in the necessity of sovereignty, the V-SB will oppose every attempt to decrease or destroy it through the creation of antidemocratic supranational structures. This however does not mean the V-SB believes in the feasibility of a socialist Flanders as an isolated paradise island; the V-SB believes in the desirability and necessity of international cooperation, and therefore supports nations and movements abroad supporting similar goals.

With that in mind, the V-SB opposes against every form of Flemish Nationalism that opposes the Walloon people, and movements that only aim for the Flemish independance to get rid of solidarity with our southern neighbours.

Flemish considers the V-SB everyone living on the territory of the future Flemish state, without discrimination based on origin, gender, religion, mother tongue, sexual preference or other non-important criteria. Within the Flemish state, cultural rights of minorities will have to be guaranteed. This can however not lead to supporting the creation and affirmation of parallel societies having a desintegrating function on the social tissue.

Sefydlwyd y Mudiad Sosialaidd Ffleminaidd (V-SB) gan bobol sy'n credu y dylai bywyd gwleidyddol Fflandrys fod yn fwy asgell-chwith ac yn fwy Ffleminaidd. Ni all y V-SB wahanu'r agweddau asgell chwith a Ffleminaidd. Dyna oedd y sefyllfa gan mlynedd yn ôl pan ymladdodd y Ffleminiaid am eu hawliau cymdeithasol a diwylliannol, a dyna yw'r sefyllfa heddiw, er bod hynny mewn cyd-destun gwahanol. Nod y V-SB yw creu cymdeithas sosialaidd gyda chyfleoedd, hawliau a dyletswyddau cyfartal i'w holl drigolion mewn Fflandrys annibynnol. A hynny yn rhydd o strwythurau gwrth-ddemocrataidd a chyfalafol, ond mewn cydweithrediad a solidariaeth gyda chenhedloedd a gwladwriaethau eraill sy'n caru rhyddid.

Fel mudiad sosialaidd, cred V-SB fod y drefn gyfalafol bresennol ond yn gwasanaethu buddiannau dosbarth uwch bychan ac nad yw'n cynnig dim i'r dosbarth gweithiol. Y cyfan y mae'r drefn yn ei olygu iddynt hwy yw bygythiad cyson i'w hamodau byw. Er mwyn datrys y problemau sy'n codi yn y meysydd cymdeithasol ac amgylcheddol cred y V-SB taw'r unig ateb yw gosod trefn gymdeithasol newydd yn ei lle. Bydd y drefn newydd yn un lle mae solidariaeth a phroses ddemocrataidd er mwyn penderfynu yngl?n â chymdeithas ac economi yn egwyddorion sylfaenol. Bydd y drefn  hon hefyd yn sefydlu ac yn atgyfnerthu sofraniaeth y bobol.

Cred V-SB fod Gwlad Belg yn greadigaeth er mwyn gwasanaethu y byd ariannol Belgaidd a byd-eang, ac er mwyn cyfyngu sofraniaeth a hunan-ddatblygiad y rhai sy'n byw yn ei thiriogaeth. Cred y V-SB y gall y newid tuag at strwythur sosialaidd ond digwydd gydag un llygad ar y cyd-destun cenedlaethol. Felly mae V-SB yn ymgyrraedd tuag at greu gwladwriaeth sosialaidd newydd yn cynnwys tiriogaeth bresennol Rhanbarth Fflandrys a Rhanbarth Prifddinas Brwsel.

O gofio'r hyn a ddywedwyd am bwysigrwydd sofraniaeth, bydd y V-SB yn gwrthwynebu unrhyw ymgais i'w leihau neu ei dinistrio trwy greu strwythurau swpragenedlaethol annemocrataidd. Nid yw hyn yn golygu fod y V-SB yn credu fod Fflandrys annibynnol fel ynys bellennig ar wahân i bawb arall yn ymarferol; cred y V-SB fod cydweithrediad rhyngwladol yn ddymunol ac yn angenrheidiol, ac felly mae'n cefnogi cenhedloedd a mudiadau tramor sy'n arddel yr un amcanion.

O gofio hynny, mae'r V-SB yn gwrthwynebu unrhyw ffurf ar genedlaetholdeb Ffleminaidd sy'n gwrthwynebu pobl Walwnia, a mudiadau sydd ond yn ceisio annibyniaeth i Fflandrys fel modd o ddiddymu solidariaeth gyda'n cymdogion deheuol.

Ystyria'r V-SB bawb sy'n byw yn nhiriogaeth gwladwriaeth Fflandrys y dyfodol fel Ffleminiaid, heb unrhyw wahaniaethu ar sail tarddiad, rhywedd, crefydd, mamiaith, rhywioldeb a materion eraill dibwys. O fewn i wladwriaeth Fflandrys sicrheir hawliau diwylliannol lleiafriroedd. Ond nid all hyn arwain at gefnogi creu a chynnal cymunedau cyfochrog sydd â'r gallu i ddadfeilio undod cymdeithasol

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